Welcome to Basildon & Phoenix Swimming Club

Video Analysis Sessions Update

Video Analysis Sessions Update

A note from our head coach…

Many thanks to those swimmers and parents for taking part in the video analysis sessions which Paul managed last season. Please accept our apologies for the delays but rest assured that we are working hard to re-start these.

Firstly we want to ensure all sessions which have been done are viewed by the coaching team and that feedback has been given to the swimmers.  These have not all been done due to technical difficulties.

We are looking to collect together copies of the files and presentations that were e-mailed out to parents. With this in mind, it would be greatly appreciated if you could help us with this by copying the document/presentation on to a memory stick and giving it to your child’s coach for viewing and then feedback can be done easier.

The coaching staff are also looking at the most efficient way to continue the filming using the GoPro camera and pole and to then give feedback within a short period of time for the swimmer to work on in training sessions.

Many thanks once again for your patience

Doug Campbell