Welcome to Basildon & Phoenix Swimming Club

Urgent Request – Club Champs

Urgent Request – Club Champs

Hi all,

We are short of volunteers for this year’s Club Champs.

We need volunteers, timekeepers, and officials to assist with the smooth running of the event.  If we don’t get sufficient volunteers for this event then we may be forced to drop to 6 lanes due to lack of timekeepers.  This will increase the length of time needed to complete all races.  Or there might not be any medals handed out, or any refreshments passed round to volunteers, or worse still, no swimmers arranged into heats and lanes.

This is your club champs.  It’s a very important club event, especially for those swimmers chasing county qualification times, and those swimmers who are racing for the first time.

If you have some spare time to donate, please consider doing so because you could be the difference between your child’s swim being recognised by British Swimming and eligible as a qualifying time or not.

Swimmers eventually retire and when they do, their parents tend to retire also.  So every season we are always looking for more volunteers to help with the smooth running of everything club related, especially amongst the parents of the new, younger swimmers coming through.  You don’t need any particular skillset to help make a difference.  Just a warm heart and the desire to help, which must describe pretty much all of you because you’ve already submitted to being a swim-parent.  😉

For more information, or if you just want to speak to someone about what volunteering entails, please contact either the Volunteers Coordinator, or the Officials Coordinator.  Of if you know someone who already volunteers, feel free to speak to them about the role they play in making everything happen.