Welcome to Basildon & Phoenix Swimming Club

She can run, but she can’t hide

She can run, but she can’t hide

After a staggering eighty-odd years as a swimming parent, or thereabouts, a long, long, loooong standing member of the BPSC community was forced into semi-retirement this past weekend due to her youngest deciding to hang up her hat and goggles.

Carla Marshall, and her three daughters, have been supporting BPSC from the very beginning, back when Johnny Weissmuller was combating alligators with just his bare hands.  Carla has performed many different roles at BPSC and I think we’d be hard pushed to find someone who wouldn’t recognise her friendly face.  There isn’t much she doesn’t know and if she doesn’t know, she’ll find out for you.  A true credit to the club and someone that has definitely and without a single doubt contributed towards the club’s shining success over the years.

She can run, but she can’t hide.  Carla is such a super-mum that she has decided to retain some of her roles at the club, at least for the meantime, so the club shouldn’t come to a grinding halt just yet.  Just imagine that…  you don’t have a swimmer, but you’re still volunteering…  I rest my case.

Although we might not be regularly graced with Carla’s presence in the gallery any time soon (unless there’s a fourth on the way?), we all hope very much, and very sincerely, that hers will still be a very familiar face.

And while we’re here, to Issie Marshall, on behalf of the entire club we wish you nothing but the very best for your future, in education, in fun and in life.  We’re sure you’ll leave a mark wherever you go, just as you have with us.