Welcome to Basildon & Phoenix Swimming Club

Reminder – Essex ASA County Championships 2018 Entry Information

Reminder – Essex ASA County Championships 2018 Entry Information

As the results from the BPSC Last Chance Qualifier Meet are now on the ASA Results & Rankings database, I thought it might be a good idea to send out a reminder on how to enter your swimmer(s)…

Please follow this link HERE.

  • Ensure the selection for “Entry for single swimmer only” is selected, then click CONTINUE.
  • Complete the information for your swimmer (Surname, Forename, Club Name, etc…
  • Tick the box certifying the information submitted is correct.
  • Enter your swimmer’s ASA number.  Once you’ve done this the system will cross reference your information with the database.
  • Enter your swimmer’s date of birth in the following format dd/mm/yyyy.  The system will then automatically calculate your swimmer’s age on 31/12/18.
  • Click on Enter Races.  This will reveal all of the races in the championships.
  • The races your swimmer has qualified for will be annotated with the letters PB in green.
  • The races your swimmer has not qualified for will be annotated with the letters PB in red.
  • Hovering over the letters PB will show swimmer’s PB, including where it was attained and whether it is a conversion or not.
  • Clicking on the green PBs will enter that time into the adjacent field.
  • Clicking Clear Swims will reset all of the time fields back to blank.
  • Once you are happy with the times entered, please click Check Entry, Submit and Pay.
Please note that you might want to wait until your swimmer has completed all possible races during the qualifying period prior to completing his/her entry as it is beneficial to be in the correct heat.  The qualifying period is 23-12-2016 – 23-12-2017, inclusive.  Also bear in mind that it can take a few days after an event for the ASA Results and Rankings database to be updated.  This is usually done on the Tuesday following a gala.
Please also note that your swimmer’s entry time will not be updated if he/she swims a faster time after you’ve submitted your entry.
Relay teams will be submitted by the club.